■Grand Sheep March《“Love” written by Sheep》■
Special Valentine Event! At Mother Farm’s famous “Grand Sheep March,” the marching sheep move in such a way to write out different symbols. Spring is a time overflowing with hope, birth, and love, so the sheep will spread out across the pasture forming a heart. One lucky couple will also be able to enter the heart and profess their love!! In order to move the sheep around, perfect coordination between the shepherd and sheep dogs is needed. Come and see this display of exquisite coordination between man and animal.
●Date● 2/10(SAT)~18(SUN)
●Time● 12:30~(About 15 min)
●Place● Sheep Pasture
●Admission● FREE
*Canceled in the case of rain.
*No dogs allowed.
■A Lamb’s Story■

Spring is for the lambs as well as a time for new life. Watch as the newly born lambs grow, from their birth to when they separate from their mother. At first, they are inseparable from their mom, but not long after they can be seen frolicking with other lambs and grazing all by themselves. This day-to-day transition is what makes up the “Lamb’s Story” and it is about to begin.
■The Birth of a Lamb■
Baby lambs will start being born at the “Sheep Pasture,” the rush begins between February and March!! If you are lucky, you might just see one born with your own eyes!
◆Date◆ 2/3(SAT)~3/30(FRI)
◆Time◆ 10:30~16:00
◆Place◆ Sheep Pasture
★Hear from the Caregivers★

Each day after the “Grand Sheep March,” the animal caregivers introduce the sheep’s behaviors and characteristics. Back by popular demand is last year’s public weigh-in of the baby lambs in buckets. Don’t miss your chance to get an adorable photo!!
◆Date◆ 2/3(SAT)~18(SUN) Holiday Weekend
◆Time◆ 13:00~13:15
◆Place◆ Sheep Pasture
◆Admission◆ FREE
■Baby Lamb’s First Grazing■

It’s finally time to make their debut!
The adorable little lambs enjoy grazing with their mother.
It is their first time out in the world and they are full of excitement and anticipation! Some of the lambs make sure to stay close to mom, while others are more adventurous and explore. Don’t miss this chance to see the lambs during their first graze!
●Date● 2/17(SAT)~3/30(FRI)
●Time● 12:50~16:00
●Place● Sheep Pasture
●Admission● FREE
*No dogs allowed.
*Entering the pen is prohibited.
*Canceled in the case of rain.
■Raising Sheep■
At the end of the birthing season, it is time for mother sheep to turn their efforts to raising their little lambs. After spending a short amount of time as mother and child in the birthing pen, the pair are united with other mother and baby lambs to get used to living with the herd. Seeing other sheep for the first time, the lambs are overflowing with curiosity. Check out the lambs at play, teasing each other, throwing tantrums, and all.
◆Date◆ 3/31(SAT)~5/11(FRI)
◆Time◆ 10:30~16:00
◆Place◆ Sheep Pasture
■Meet Mother and Lamb for the First Time■
Mother and baby lamb leisurely graze in the newly greening pasture. Not only a great photo opportunity, but also a chance to meet the baby lambs! It is their first time meeting the guests, so be sure to approach slowly. Their wool is so soft and fluffy♪
●Date● 5/12(Sat)~27(SUN)
●Time● Grazing Time13:00~16:00
Meeting Time 1)13:15 2) 15:40 (Each 20 min)
●Place● Sheep Pasture
●Admission● FREE
*No dogs allowed.
*Canceled in the case of rain.
■Baby Lamb Photo Studio■
Don’t forget the camera! Here is your chance to get a picture with the adorably fluffy baby lambs.
◆Date◆ 2/24(SAT)~4/22(SUN)
◆Time◆ ①10:45 ②13:15 ③15:15
※Weekends ①・② Only. (Each about 30 min)
◆Place◆ Multipurpose Hall “Baby Lamb Photo Studio”
◆Admission◆ FREE
*Pictures will be taken with guests’ cameras.
*Participation may be limited due to animal conditions.