【outside of Tokyo / Kimitsu Sta. / Dude ranch】

January 22, 2018

Two Big Picking Events in Spring

■Strawberry Picking■
Mother Farm’s strawberry picking is not all you can eat, but rather is priced by weight. We recommend it for visitors who do not want to worry about time or would like to bring small children who cannot eat very much★
Since you only pay for what you pick, the price is incredibly reasonable! After picking, enjoy your strawberries in the pasture where we have a break area complete with condensed milk for dipping.
The strawberries are grown in a 3 dimensional 7 layer tall hydroponics system. This way of growing means that facilities have large walkways with easy access to strawberries while standing or in a wheel chair.

◆Date◆1/13(Tentative)- Late May
*Closed on Tuesdays.
January・・・Weekends and Holidays 9:30~ (Weekdays 10:00~ )
February・・・Weekends and Holidays 9:00~ (Weekdays 9:30~)
◆Place◆ Fruit Farm

◆Fee◆ 200 JPY per person and 200 JPY per 100g
(Ex: 300g of strawberries is 800 JPY)
*First come basis/ Will close based on field conditions.
*Not all you can eat.


■Fruit Tomato Picking■
At Mother Farm’s tomato picking, you can choose from 5 varieties of mini tomatoes including Aiko, Yellow Aiko, Cindy Sweet, Tuscan Violet, and Piccolo Canaria (orange tomato). There is a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, and you can pick as many as you like.

◆Date◆12/23(Holiday Saturday) – Late May
*Closed Wednesdays.
◆Time◆Weekends and Holidays 9:00~
*January 9:30~
        Weekdays 13:00~14:00
◆Place◆Fruit Farm (East Fields)

◆Fee◆100 JPY per person and 150 JPY per 100g
*First come basis/ Will close based on field conditions.
*Not all you can eat.