【outside of Tokyo / Kimitsu Sta. / Dude ranch】

November 29, 2018

☆★X’mas Mini Rare Cheese Cake Making★☆

With one small change in the cheese making process turn fresh cheese into rare cheese cake ♪ For a limited time only, add Christmas decorations to your creation. Choose from chocolate stars and a variety of 10 other accessories to make your own adorable arrangement!

【Dates】12/1 (Sat)~12/25 (Tues) *Closed 12/22
【Time】Weekdays 14:30/Weekends and Holidays 15:30 (Time Needed: About 40 min)
【Capacity】36 participants per session(Same-day Reservation)
【Place】 Food Factory
【Fees】 1,100 JPY per person