【outside of Tokyo / Kimitsu Sta. / Dude ranch】

December 26, 2018

Fortune Teller Pony

Using a specially made die, our pony will tell you if you will have excellent, average, slightly good, or bad luck!
Watch as the pony adorably rolls the die♪ Depending on their luck, participants can also receive a gift!

【Dates】 12/29 (Sat)~1/6 (Sun) 【Time】 12:00~13:00
【Place】 In front of the Agridome
【Fees】 Free
Excellent Luck: 1 cup of feeding carrots
Average Luck: Coupon for extra feed 
Slightly Lucky: one time use extra feed ticket
Bad Luck: mention at the Horse Pasture

*May be closed due to animal conditions.
*Canceled in the case of rain.