【outside of Tokyo / Kimitsu Sta. / Dude ranch】

December 2018

Mother Farm Spring Flowers

Daffodils, Fresh flowers signs of an Early Spring

Visible throughout the park, the best place to take in the view of the colored hills is near the entrance to the Japanese Allspice Park. A sweet aroma fills the air as the beautiful small white flowers carpet the mountainside.

【Available Varieties】 Daffodils
【Season】 Late December to Mid-February
【Number of Flowers】 100,000

☆"Reindeer Sheep" make their Appearance!☆

See Reindeer at Mother Farm!?
The adorable sheep in the pasture become reindeer and make their appearance with Santa Claus! It's a great time for a commemorative photo☆

【Dates】 12/15 (Sat)・16 (Sun) 22 (Sat)~25 (Tues)
【Time】 16:00~ ( About 30 min) 【Place】 In front of the Agridome
*Canceled in the case of rain.

☆★Christmas Zip Line★☆

Glide through the air together with a friend connected by a fateful red string (red rope!?) decorated in hearts♪ Enjoy the view and walk in tandem through the air♡

【Dates】12/1 (Sat)~25 (Tues)
【Time】Weekdays 10:30~12:00/Weekends and Holidays 9:30~12:00
【Fees】 2,800 JPY (2 people)
【Target Audience】 For eligible groups of two, eligibility below.
(Elementary School age to 69 years old, over 120cm tall, weight between 30kg and 110kg)
*Depending on height and weight, tandem riding may not be allowed.
*Tandem ride includes outward-bound ride only.
*May be canceled due to weather.

☆★Wool Knit Christmas Broach★☆

Use a specialty needle to knit strands of wool together into felt. This warm little handmade craft is a perfect match for the season♪

【Dates】 12/8 (Sat)~12/25 (Tues)
【Time】 10:00~1 hour before closing(Time Needed: About 30 min)
【Place】 Top of the mountain craft house
【Fees】 900 JPY~
【Target Audience】 Elementary age children and older