【outside of Tokyo / Kimitsu Sta. / Dude ranch】

April 13, 2019

Meet a Chibi(baby) Godzilla!

Chibi Godzilla at Mother Farm!
Dates: 4/27 〜5/6, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26

Chibi Godzilla, what's that!?
In celebration of Godzilla's 65th anniversary, check out this brand new character for 2019. From the creator of the "Suica Penguin" and Chiba Prefecture's mascot "CHI-BA+KUN," Sakazaki Chiharu, comes a Godzilla character for everyone. Chibi Godzilla was created in the hopes to spreads Godzilla's unique charm to new fans and children!

Picture Book Reading
Dates: Everyday 4/27 〜5/6, Followed by 5/11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26
Location: Multipurpose Hall
Sessions: 5-6 times per day

Take your photo with a tiny Godzilla!
Dates: 4/27 〜5/6, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26
Location: Special Venue outside the Agridome
Time: 12:25〜/14:25〜


Special Event

For two days only, on 4/30 and 5/1, Chiba Prefecture's mascot "CHI-BA+KUN" will pay us a visit! Don't miss your chance to meet CHI-BA+KUN.