【outside of Tokyo / Kimitsu Sta. / Dude ranch】

December 20, 2017

For one day only! Capybara Bath ~Citron Version~

Now at Mother Farm, we are holding our “Capybara Bath” event, but on December 22nd (Friday), we will have a one day only winter solstice event “Capybara Bath ~Citron Version~.” It is said that infusing bath water with cintron on the day of the winter solstice is a way to avoid catching a cold.

Our two capybara stand still, their eyes squinted as the staff pour water over each of their backs. In the “Citron Version,” our staff have infused the water with fragrant “Citron” and Mother Farm picked “Mikan Oranges.” Enjoying both the aroma and the taste (!?), the adorable capybara warm up in the water♡

Nearby the bath, we will have a bucket filled with “Citrons” and “Mikan Oranges,” as well as the 20cm long “Lion Citron.”

■Bath Time■
◆Date◆ 2017/12/22 (FRI)

◆Time◆ 15:15~ (About 15min)

◆Place◆ Fureai Pasture
◆Fee◆ Free *May be canceled due to weather or animal conditions

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"Capybara Water Bath" Starting Now!